Cooking a Grass-Fed Steak

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Whether it’s a ribeye or porterhouse, flank steak or chuck steak, you want your grass-fed steak to taste the BEST. But, cooking a grass-fed steak can be intimidating. Don’t worry! Your neighborhood farmer is here to break down the steps to cooking a grass-fed steak to perfection.

First, you’ll want to start with a high-quality local steak that’s 100% grass-fed like any of the ones included in your Sugar Hill Farmstead Beef Share.

  1. Take the meat out of the refrigerator 1 hour before cooking to bring it to room temperature.

  2. Season with salt and pepper on all sides. If you’re using a dry rub you can season with that liberally.

  3. Preheat a cast-iron skillet, or heavy-bottomed pan, over medium-high heat until almost smoking.

  4. Add a tablespoon of ghee, lard, or tallow to the skillet and sear the steak on one side for 3-9 minutes, flip, and sear the other side for 3-9 minutes. Add a little dollop of ghee or a little butter, a clove of garlic and a sprig of rosemary then baste the steak with the melted butter. Depending on how you like your steak, adjust your cooking times. 120-125ºF for rare, 130-135ºF medium-rare.

  5. Remove the steak from the skillet and let rest on a cutting board with a well to catch the juices. Let rest for 3-5 minutes before cutting.

Two of the biggest mistakes in cooking a grass-fed steak are not letting the steak come to room temperature before cooking, and not letting the meat rest after cooking. If you follow the above steps you will be shocked at how easy it is to cook the BEST grass-fed steak.


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