Primal Ground Beef Subscription

$159.55 every month for 3 months

The Primal Ground Subscription is a once-a-month recurring payment for the season. Delivery and pick-up is the first Saturday of the month (June 1, July 6, August 3)

Our health-boosting Primal Ground Beef Subscription is meticulously crafted to elevate your well-being with every bite! The Subscription is 10 pounds each month for the 3 month season.

Primal ground is a nourishing blend of premium meat cuts, liver, and heart, expertly balanced in an 80:10:10 ratio to provide an abundance of essential nutrients. Designed with your health in mind, this subscription is a powerhouse of iron, perfect for those looking to replenish their levels after years of deficiency.

Each 2-pound pack is a testament to our dedication to your health and satisfaction. Our beef is grass-fed & grass-finished, free from hormones, antibiotics, and vaccines, and raised in pasture-rich environments, promoting both animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

Indulge guilt-free in the rich, satisfying flavors of our Primal Ground Beef Subscription, knowing that you're nourishing your body with wholesome goodness each month. It’s the perfect choice for health-conscious consumers like you.

You will be invited to shop our password-protected online store where you can add on other great products like ghee, coconut oil, eggs, and other house-made specialty items. Your invite comes via email.

Quarter Beef Share
Half Beef Share
Sixteenth Beef Share
Bone Stock Up
Eighth Beef Share