Ground Beef Subscription

$120.00 every month for 3 months

Subscription is a once-a-month recurring payment for the season. Delivery and pick-up is the first Saturday of the month (June 1, July 6, August 3)

The Ground Beef Stock Up is an incredible offer that provides you with 10 pounds of high-quality, grass-fed, and grass-finished ground beef every month for 3 months.

This subscription guarantees a steady and reliable supply of Sugar Hill Farmstead's delicious and nutritious dry-aged ground beef, which is rich in flavor and extremely healthy for you. With this offer, you can enjoy the convenience of having a constant flow of premium ground beef delivered to your doorstep.

You will be invited to shop our password-protected online store, where you can add other great products like ghee, coconut oil, eggs, and other house-made specialty items. Your invite comes via email.

Meat CSA 20-pound Membership- Waitlist
sold out
Beef CSA
$260.00 every month for 3 months
Primal Ground Beef Subscription
$159.55 every month for 3 months
Hawaii Grass-Fed Beef Pet Food Subscription
$239.70 every month for 3 months
Meat CSA 10-pound Membership- Waitlist
sold out